Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not Back To School Camp

Well I really don't know what to say! Words can hardly be used to describe how amazing camp is!
I met so many amazing, inspiring, and beautiful people.

This session was slightly different to last year, but ultimately the same concept.
The days were split into different themes: Game day, travel day, food day, movement day, wild card day, and ecology day.
Each day presented us with the opportunity to learn something new from one another, whether it was a hike through the rainy woods in search of fungi, bouldering, capoeira, funk dancing, women's rights, vermi composting, ultimate frisbee, volunteering while traveling, veganism.
They had it all, and so much more. We had dances and live music sessions, massage circles, bonding night, human scatter plots, and soooo many different discussions. No matter where you went in camp you could always hear people having fascinating conversations. I find myself still shocked at how much I learned from people my age, people often make the mistake that you can only learn things from people older then you, but I disagree. Young teens have such interesting views on the world, their ideas of how things should be different, their view on politics, their theories on God, all of it is fascinating and so different to that of an adult. I often ponder the thought of how the world would be if it was dictated by the worlds young people......

When I return from camp I always feel so intellectually enriched, I feel cleansed of the negativity that we are often surrounded by in a world which feeds off of propaganda and materialism.
At camp we do an exercise where we share our intentions for the year, I decided that mine was to write a blog, so that people can better understand how I think, my life, my theories, and my philosophies about unschooling.

I hope you all enjoy,
peace and love.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to go, but I'm scared of feeling left out for not knowing anyone. Oh well. I'm not that shy anyway, so I might manage.

    You sometimes learn much more from people your age than older ones. Most older people are too busy being condescending.
